‘Wild Food’ is a catch-all term applied to all sorts of edible mushrooms, nuts, flowers, fruits, shoots, tubers, seaweeds, seeds, and weeds that grow spontaneously out in nature. To the uninitiated, wild foods can look bizarre: dandelion salads, alien mushrooms, and nuts that taste like blue cheese. But the foragers know something you might not: that all these foods are bursting with flavor.
My name is JB, and I created The Wild Grocery to show you how to bring foraged foods into your regular cooking. As a forager, recipe developer, and wild food professional, I’ve dedicated my career to making these foods more accessible to everyone (because I happen to think they’re really important). Each week I give you an easy-to-read newsletter that explores the tantalizing flavors of a wild ingredient, along with links to purchase them and resources to explore. But most importantly, I give you super cookable recipes designed for foragers and non-foragers alike.
The Wild Grocery is all about inspiring a wild and resilient food culture: we’re a joyful community of eaters who can’t get enough of colorful, surprisingly edible ingredients. Through newsletters, deep-dive articles, podcasts, and original recipes, you’ll learn about the foraged foods that belong on everyone’s plates. There’s an entire world of flavors we get to explore, and all you have to do is show up and eat.
Why Subscribe?
Free subscribers receive the weekly newsletter that is easy-to-read and full of flavorful information. If you’re even remotely interested in wild foods, it’s a no-brainer.
If you’re considering a paid subscription, I’ll cut to the chase: paid subscribers get access to original recipes, photos, writing, and podcasts that can’t be found anywhere else online. Plus, only subscribers can comment and join the chat (and I want to hear what you have to say!). Running TWG is a ton of work: I forage, research, test, cook, style, shoot, record, edit, write, and market everything happening on this page. All you have to do is show up and eat.
If you’re turned off by paywalls - I get it. The alternative to generating an income for this content is to chase SEO rank on a blog, prioritize ad placements throughout my writing, or try to sell you products through brand partnerships and affiliate programs. To me, it makes a lot more sense to avoid the ads and just give you the good stuff.
JB Douglas
JB is a queer forager and food-maker using food media to inspire a wild and resilient food culture. His recipes and food photography featuring foraged ingredients have been published across a wide variety of digital and print publications, including VegNews, Edible Magazines, and the New York Times. He directed culinary content production at Foraged Market (Foodtech 500) after working with food access programs and regenerative farm retail operations for several years. Currently, JB is completing his Master's in Sustainable Food Systems from the Culinary Institute of America, with a focus on how foraged ingredients could play a bigger role in the future of food. He has been a member of MENSA international since 2014, and is a recipient of the Taste Buds Program scholarship from NOMA.
To connect with me or see more of my work, here’s my LinkedIn and Instagram (oh, and I love being invited to be a podcast guest. hint hint.)